Latin through Stories
Preliminary Access (Levels 1, 2, & 3)

Please read all the information below; the purchase button is on the bottom of this page!

Why do you call this Preliminary Access?

  • We would like to offer anyone interested preliminary, i.e. electronic only, access to our Latin through Stories Levels 1, 2, and 3 curriculum materials at a lower price than what our published curriculum will be. (Information below is primarily about Level 1, which we recommend everyone to start with.
  • The curriculum is fully proof-read but not yet professionally laid out, i.e. not in its fully final format
  • All materials are yours to download and keep; however, your web access will be for 12 months from the time of purchase.

What is included in the electronic access? What will I get?

  • Fully scripted Teacher Guides for 4 “themes” or units (plus additional resources for an optional 5th unit)
    • Each lesson is fully planned and fully scripted (e.g. for Level 1: 87 fully scripted 30-minute
      lessons, plus extra material for several weeks of optional additional lessons)
    • Each lesson incorporates a steady review of everything learned, already planned out
    • Lessons include lots of songs from around the world
    • Optional grammar components directly in the guide so you can use the same level for multiple grades
  • A supplementary student book with grammar and writing meant for grades 3 & up (this is not the main resource—the Teacher Guide is!)
  • Audio files for all the songs, Gouin series, Little Socratic Talks, and picture books in ecclesiastical and classical Latin
  • PowerPoints to accompany the “Little Socratic Talks”
  • beautifully illustrated picture books in simple, easy-to-comprehend language, and lessons to help you teach these effectively. These are currently included free as electronic resources (to be printed if desired) – but note that we are in the process of publishing these books “for real” and will at that point, probably sometime in October or November 2024, no longer offer them for free as part of the preliminary electronic access.
  • Reader’s theater versions of some of the Gouin series and picture books (since we are in the process of replacing some books, new reader’s theater versions will be added throughout the year)
  • Optional editable quiz banks about every 8-10 lessons
  • A Teacher’s Resource Book so you have all prayers, song lyrics, Gouin series, and reader’s theaters versions in one place
  • Free live introductory webinar and ongoing assistance any time
  • Please note that the program is NOT computer-based and there are no recorded lessons (other than a few teaching demo lessons). We’re providing electronic access to materials since we don’t have print materials available at this point, but the lessons need to be taught by a teacher or homeschool parent who is willing to learn along with their children.

What is distinctive about this curriculum?

  • We treat Latin as a language, not a code.
  • We treat children as persons fully capable of acquiring a language and communicating in the language.
  • We use beautiful works of art and real photos, no cartoons or animations.
  • All lessons are fully scripted in Latin with English translations so even teachers or parents new to Latin can give their students a near-immersive experience of the Latin language.
  • For more information, please see this brochure.

What is the cost?

  • For Levels 1 & 2, the preliminary access cost for one Level for the 2024-25 school year is:
    • homeschooling families: $99 per family
    • schools: $149 per school
    • homeschool coops: $99 for the coop teacher to get access; access may not be shared with other parents
    • homeschool coop parents who would like to have some resources at home to use.can purchase the Teacher Resource Books ($8.99) and/or Student Books ($15.99) separately for for Levels 1 and 2 (not available for Level 3 at this time).
  • For Level 3, the preliminary access cost for one Level for the 2024-25 school year is
    • homeschooling families: $119 per family
    • schools $199 per school
    • homeschool coops: $119 for the coop teacher to get access; access may not be shared with other parents

What are teachers allowed to share with parents/send home?

  • you may share: occasional individual pages from the student book such as a grammar exercise, a prayer, song, or Gouin series to memorize, a Gouin series to illustrate, a reader’s theater text to practice.
  • you may not share: the teacher’s resource book, the teacher’s guides, any of the audio files, the student book in its entirety, the picture book files.

What do I need to do? What’s the procedure?

  • You can purchase preliminary access to this curriculum on this website by clicking the button below. Payment is through PayPal, but you do not need a PayPal account to make the purchase.

How do I know what level is right for my students? Can I get a refund if the curriculum doesn’t work for us?

  • We strongly recommend starting with Level 1, even if your students had a year or two of another curriculum. Most current Latin curricula for children tend to be “word based” and don’t expose students to a large quantity of full sentences, so your students might get overwhelmed in Level 2 which presupposes a year of exposure to Latin in complete sentences and the ability to respond to questions in Latin rather than translating words and isolated sentences.
  • We are not able to handle refunds at this time. Please read all the information on this page and the level-specific information, check out the lesson samples there and the FAQs to make sure this will work for you. If you are new to Latin, please note that this curriculum does require a parent or teacher willing to put some time into learning along with your children.

What do I do if I have further questions?

  • Please first check out our FAQs to see if your question has already been answered! If not feel free to
    contact us.

In the past two decades educators have made great strides in recovering and developing Latin and language arts tools that are consistent with the principles of classical education and consonant with the discoveries around second language acquisition. Nevertheless, there exists no textbook or curriculum for grammar school students that proposes to teach the Latin language through natural language processes. The work of the K-12 Classical Curriculum Project is particularly exciting because it aims to fill this need with an inspiring curriculum that encourages students’ wonder and fosters their appreciation of the inherent beauty of the Latin language.

Dr. Patrick M. Owens

Go to the main curriculum overview