Curriculum Mission
Our curricula invoke wonder, establishing a foundation for engaging conversations with students and thoughtful interactions with beautiful texts. The lessons guide students to think about and love the true, the good, and the beautiful.
We seek to develop curricula that, through rigorous study and thoughtful conversation, train and form students’ minds toward “sobriety of thought, reasonableness, candor, self-command, and steadiness of view” (St. John Henry Newman).
Professional Development Mission
We are dedicated to helping educators reflect upon the end purposes of education, as well as providing them with the practical knowledge and skills requisite for professional excellence in classical education. Our team provides guidance and hands-on assistance to faculty and administrators at all levels of understanding the liberal arts tradition. From the new to the seasoned, we are dedicated to helping educators expand their confidence in the beauty of teaching classically so that they can help their students take part in the great conversations of humanity. Each training allows participants to deepen their knowledge of the liberal arts tradition through customized sessions that combine discussion of classical pedagogy and cultivation of virtue with practical “how to’s” for the classroom, enabling schools to flourish in the classical intellectual tradition.