K-12 Classical Curriculum Project

Basilica of Santa Maria Novella (Fresco on west wall)
By Andrea di Bonaiuto, c 1368
The University of Dallas is dedicated to the pursuit of wisdom, truth and virtue. Deeply respectful of our shared responsibility to the younger generation and of the immense importance of K–12 educators, the University seeks to serve teachers, educational leaders, parents, schools, and communities who wish to partner together in striving for ever greater excellence in teaching and learning. In fidelity with the teachings of the Catholic Church, the University supports academic freedom and religious liberty, welcoming cooperation with individuals and groups from all backgrounds and beliefs, secular and religious.
What Others Say:
I want to thank you for your inspiring and encouraging training. I thoroughly enjoyed the time learning about the importance of penmanship, narration, oral reading and dictation. It is a rare occasion when I find myself wishing I taught more than just Latin classes. This was one of those times! Thanks for fanning the flame of classical education.
— Carol Weberg, Latin Teacher, Mount St. Michael’s Catholic School, Dallas