About Us

UD Faculty and Staff

Dr. Laura Eidt is the director and main curriculum writer of Latin through Stories. A native of Germany, she has enjoyed learning languages since childhood and is passionate about teaching languages by drawing on both second language acquisition research and classical pedagogy. In addition to this curriculum project, Dr. Eidt also teaches in the German, Spanish, Comparative Literature, Humanities and Classical Education Programs at the University of Dallas. She received her B.A. from the University of Hamburg, Germany, and her PhD in Comparative Literature from the University of Texas at Austin. She and her husband have three bilingual children. 

Dr. Branden Kosch received his PhD in Classics from the University of Chicago. He is currently teaching Greek and Latin at The University of Dallas. His research deals with Latin syntax and prose style, and for the curriculum he reviewed the Latin Teacher Guides and Student Books and collaborated on a few of the Level 1 and 2 stories, such as Gingerbread Man, The Fisherman and His Wife, and The Star Talers.

Dr. Teresa Danze edited several curriculum elements and contributed the retelling of The Little Red Hen. She is Associate Professor of Classics at the University of Dallas, teaching Greek and Latin language and literature courses, particularly poetry and tragedy. She has written articles, reviews and presentations on aspects of Greek tragedy and is working on a manuscript about emotion in Sophocles. Her article on the tragedy of pity in Sophocles’ Oedipus Tyrannus can be found in the 2021 Norton Critical Edition of the play edited by Emily Wilson.

Andrew Ellison is the Vice President for Enrollment Management at the University of Dallas. A former teacher of Latin, German, and drama, as well as a master of Socratic seminars with great texts for high school students, he has three decades of experience in K-12 classical education as a middle and high school teacher, school headmaster, and district administrator for a multi-state public charter school network. He recorded all the stories and folktales for Levels 1 and 2 of Latin through Stories.


Quinn Kelsch is a painter and illustrator working in Irving, Texas where he lives with his wife and three children. He grew up in the Blue Ridge mountains of Western North Carolina and spent much of his childhood receiving an outdoor and poetic education. His mother and father, a painter and an architect respectively, filled his life with intelligent and beautiful objects and images which has inspired his own pursuit of a creative life. He graduated from the University of Dallas in 2021 with a degree in Classical Philology with a fair helping of painting classes on the side. He now works as an illustrator and oil painter producing portraits, still lives, and other figurative artworks inspired by the symbolists of the 19th century and the Wyeths of the 20th. He created the illustrations for most of the Level 1 and 2 folktales.

Dr. Bradley Ritter received his PhD in Classics from the University of California, Berkeley. He is Associate Professor of Classics at Ave Maria University and currently serves as Chair of the Classics and Early Christian Literature Department. He wrote our versions of Chicken Little and and The Three Wishes.

Jessica McCormack lives in Raleigh, North Carolina. She has been writing and speaking Latin since she went to the University of Kentucky’s Latin Institute in graduate school. She used to teach Latin. Now, she is a writer and editor in both Latin and English. She produces and edits Latin content about proverbs, riddles, folklore, ghosts, and other supernatural creatures under the name Lupus Alatus. She is currently writing a horror genre, tiered Latin reader based on the writings of Apuleius and Lucan. She is passionate about teaching Latin using storytelling and comprehensible input. When she is not thinking about Latin content, she spends a lot of time gardening, fermenting and canning vegetables. For the Latin through Stories curriculum, she wrote the folktales Tres Capri Asperi and Mus Rusticus et Mus Urbanus. Visit her website at LupusAlatus.

Lucas Fonseca lives in Brazil and holds a Master’s degree in Philosophy from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul and is dedicated to the study and teaching of the classics. He is currently studying for an M.A. in Humanities with a Concentration in Classical Education at the University of Dallas. He has participated in intensive advanced in-person courses in Latin and Ancient Greek at the Accademia Vivarium Novum in Rome in 2022, 2023 and 2024, as well as other remote courses at the same institute. He is a fellow at the Boethius Institute and has worked on translating materials related to Classical Education into Portuguese and translating Latin and Greek texts related to the Quadrivium. He has contributed various audio recordings for Levels 2 and 3 of Latin through Stories.

Raphael Turrigiano is a Latinist, polyglot, language enthusiast, occasional content creator, and language teacher with several years of experience. He firmly believes in the effectiveness of comprehensible input and active pedagogy. Raphael graduated with a double major in Linguistics and Japanese from the University of Edinburgh. His interests include historical linguistics, historical phonology, general language learning methods, and the acquisition/teaching of pronunciation as a second language learner. For Latin through Stories, he contributed all of the Level 1 audio recordings.

Andrew Cogburn is a native Texan who has a strong passion for anything tech, ancient, or languages. He completed his B.A. and M.A. in Classics and Early Christianity from Houston Christian University. After teaching Latin and Ancient Greek for 6 years, he transitioned to being a software developer. Though he loves spending his days writing code, he also enjoys spending his nights and weekends speaking, reading, and writing Latin. He currently resides in Houston, Texas with his wife Elizabeth and their three boys.

Jeni Kelsch is a plein air landscape artist and illustrator working from her farm, Changewater, in Western NC. Jeni has received several grants over the past 25 years to bring art opportunities to homeschool children in Western NC. When not teaching Jeni treks across the Blue Ridge mountains and the wine country of France seeking vistas for her paintings. She used her experiences with both children and farm life to help illustrate the characters in some of the Latin folktales. Jeni hopes one day to not get kicked out of heaven for her muddy boots, poor spelling skills and salty disposition. You can see more of her work at changewaterfarm.com.

David Ring, aka Magister Circulus, graduated from the University of Dallas with a BA in Classics. He is a passionate advocate for classical liberal arts education and has been teaching Latin and Ancient Greek via comprehensible input for many years.  He creates Ancient Greek and Latin Resources for Active Proficiency on his Patreon Page. For Latin through Stories, he contributed the Level 2 stories Stone Soup and It Could Always Be Worse, and some of the audio recordings for Levels 2 and 3. 

Kyler Cogburn graduated from Washburn University with a bachelor’s degree in fine arts with a concentration in graphic design in 2020. In the process of reaching that degree he had training in many art forms that influence his illustration styles such as oil painting, print-making, sculpture, drawing, and watercolor. His multi-disciplinary degree also helped him become proficient in digital art and design that helps with things like layout design and typography. He worked as a graphic designer for the Mulvane Art Museum in Topeka, Kansas during his undergraduate studies and now holds a position as the Visual Media Coordinator at Fellowship Bible Church in Topeka, Kansas.

UD Students

Maylis Quesnel is a student at the University of Dallas studying Drama and Comparative Literature. She is musically inclined and has played piano from the age of seven. In her teens she picked up guitar and started taking singing lessons. She contributed the recordings of the songs for this program, and had a little too much fun coming up with far too complicated arrangements for children’s nursery rhymes. She has never taken a Latin class.

Maggie Palmer is a recent B.A. in English and Classical Philology from the University of Dallas. A Latin Curriculum Assistant from 2021 to 2023, her contributions to the Latin through Stories curriculum project include creating materials such as PowerPoints, quizzes, and translations of Latin stories, recording and editing audio files, and proofreading materials.

Ryan Rearden is a computer science major with an applied physics concentration at the University of Dallas. He contributes to all things IT related such as adding pages to the site, user administration, and HTML scripting. In his free time you can find him at hackathons or working on other CS related projects.

Martin Ellison is a recent graduate from the University of Dallas with a degree in Classical Philology Latin and Classical Philology Greek. As Curriculum Assistant, he mostly contributed to the assembly of powerpoints as well as the translation and proofreading of stories and compiling the glossary. In his spare time, he enjoys studying Greek and Latin syntax, working on Sanskrit, and playing the bouzouki.

Isabelle Velasco is a current junior at the University of Dallas, pursuing a BA in art and a concentration in computer science. Her future goals include becoming a concept artist and making her own playable story. During her spare time, she draws copious amounts of doodles. Isabelle creates illustrations for the fables in Level 3 of Latin through Stories and draws sketches for the quizzes.