Professional Development for PreK-12 Education

Would You Like Professional Development
for Your Team?
Meet Our K-12 Classical Support Team
Our team has experience and extensive background from homeschooling to the seasoned professor. Additionally, we have extensive experience working for Catholic, public charters, and various private schools. Our expertise extends from supporting schools that wish to increase their understanding and application of Catholic liberal education, schools seeking to transition to a classical liberal arts model, and to the school that is already established in classical methods. We specialize in providing guidance and practical assistance to faculty and administrators at all levels of understanding the liberal arts tradition.
What We Offer
We offer a vast array of sessions from understanding the vision of classical liberal arts education, designing engaging lessons and classical assessments, to advanced Socratic approaches. Some examples of our sessions include:
- The Spirit of Classical Education
- The Wonder of Picture Study: Integrating Art across the Curriculum
- The Art of Asking Questions: How to Exercise Maieutic Questioning Skills
- Parent Education: Come and See: A Glimpse into a Classical Classroom
- Parent Education: How can I support my student at home?
- Introducing a Classical Instructional Framework
- The Trivium: Memory and Habits – The Heart of Grammar
- The Trivium: Dialectic and Rhetoric for K-8
- Introducing the Progymnasmata
- How to Read Poetry
- Introduction to Socratic Teaching
- Mastering the Four Arguments
For more information on the various offerings and how the K-12 PD Team can customize trainings for your needs, please fill out the “contact us” form on the top of this page. We look forward to working with you!